Sunday, March 23, 2014

Move Over June Cleaver.....

and make room for me! As many of you know, March 7, 2014 was my last day at the print shop. I want to thank so many of you who left kind and thoughtful comments, and to those who didn't, but kept me in their prayers. It has been a tough road for sure, but bored I'm not! I have kept myself busy like never before in my life. Some of it, I'm sure, is nervous energy. But I decided to NOT treat this like a vacation-sleeping in, staying in my pj's all day while I stitch up a storm. I've done everything but. Being unemployed has offered me the time and ambition to do so many things around the house that I previously lacked time for. Our bathroom sink, like most, needed a shelf underneath to make organizing easier, as did our kitchen sink. Such wonderful open WHY don't they come with shelves?! I am happy to report, that with a little yankee ingenuity, shelves have been installed under both sinks and look a little bit like this:

The next project I tackled was scrubbing the kitchen floor on my hands and knees. Our kitchen gets all the foot traffic and as you can imagine, it's impossible to keep the floor clean. Our tiles are very forgiving, because their color allows the dirt to be camouflaged making one think that "they aren't THAT dirty"..... and that my dear friends, is called denial! I perused Pinterest and found a wonderful recipe for heavy duty floor cleaner. Warm water, washing soda, white vinegar, a bit of dish soap, a Mr. Clean scrub brush and LOTS of elbow grease, back strength, and arm power......BAM! My floor looks brand new once again.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I Wish I Had Better News....

Dear Friends,

As many of you know, I am a graphic designer by trade.

I knew from the time I was a junior in high school, that I wanted to spend my life designing and letting my creative spirit soar.

I have held graphic designer positions at 5 different jobs since high school graduation, and 3 of those 5 have closed their doors.

I received word from my boss yesterday, that our tiny little print shop will be going out of business and that Friday is our last day. I still can't believe it even as I write this terrible news to you. I am at a loss. I have had the wind knocked out of my sails so many times that it's going to be hard to pick up the pieces this time around.

Jobs are NOT plentiful in my neck of the woods or any neck of the woods for that matter.

I truly wish to continue designing my samplers that so many of you have come to love, however that won't and can't replace my full time salary.

I think it's time to leave my graphic arts field in the dust and pursue a mid-life career change. I haven't yet received a sign from "The Big Boss" as to what I might be gainfully employed at.

My faith has always been such a big part of who I am, and I'm finding it so very hard to look to the heavens for help and guidance.

Please pray for me and my family, that peace and prosperity might soon again visit our place down by the creek.

With much love,