Hi Friends!
Gosh it's been a long time since we've had a chance to chat, so pull up a chair and sit a spell so I can catch you up on what all has been happening here at Silver Creek!
First the job hunt. I'm still unemployed but have a very good bite on a graphic artist position. I am waiting for a call any day now to hopefully hear when my interview will take place. So I ask for any and all prayers/positive vibes/good wishes that you may be willing to send my way. I am so ready to go back to work and waiting is the hardest part.
Secondly, my running. As many of you know, I have been in weight loss mode since last September and have lost 65 pounds. I have participated in two 5K races so far this spring. My times were 32 and 33 minutes respectively. I am very happy with my results and hope to keep improving on them. I plan on running some more 5K races this summer.
April 26 in Carbondale, PA |
May 4 in Binghamton, NY |
And last but not least...the MOST exciting news of all...I had my first Meet the Designer event this past weekend. Last fall, I received an invitation from the Crossroad Stitchers group located in Strongsville Ohio.
I designed a small sampler especially for this day and I will share a sneak peek with all of you in just a bit. I invited my mom to ride along with me since it was a 6.5 hour drive from Montrose, PA to Strongsville, OH. I had a BLAST with these ladies. What fun it was telling them all about me, my family, and how Silver Creek Samplers came to be. My trunk show included about 29 of my designs. I had no idea I had so many until I laid them all out on my dining room floor......
We enjoyed each others company so much that the day seemd to end in the blink of an eye. There was a charity raffle, great food, and inspiring show and tells shared by all. It's a shame you couldn't have been there as I "show and telled" 3 of my upcoming designs that no one else has seen. Here is my promised sneak peek from this weekend. I plan on releasing this in the near future, so be on the lookout for it soon!
COMING SOON...."Stitching Feeds My Heart" |
I would LOVE to have the opportunity to do another event like this one. So if your group is within reasonable driving distance (New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia etc.), I'd love to spend some time with you!
That's about all the news I have for now. Thanks for stopping by and spending some time reading this long overdue post! I really enjoy sharing my happenings with all of you and do hope you'll stop by for another visit here down by the creek.