Monday, September 8, 2014

My Name is Molly.....

and I am Diane's banana-loving beagle-basset (AND the most adorable dog in all canine-dom. Mom told me, so it must be true.) In case you didn't know, my Mom has been SO busy settling in with her new job. While she was at work, I was reading her post about PROMISING to draw a winner for the free pattern give-away. Since she apparently STILL hasn't drawn winners, I decided to help her out by picking them myself. Please don't be too irritated by her tardiness. She does work hard so that I can dine on the finest Blue Buffalo kibble that has ever crossed my canine lips.

After drawing the winners and writing the names in my bestest writing, I had to figure out how to work her blasted camera. I've seen her use it a million times, but never paid much attention since I spend much of my leisure time sleeping keeping watch over the house.

The cat isn't much help either. All she does is hiss and glare at me. It might be because Mom calls her "worthless" but I think it's REALLY because Mom thinks I'm cuter......

I had so much fun pulling the winner, that I lost all control and in pure puppy-like fashion, I pulled 4 more names. I don't think Mom will mind, since Silver Creek Samplers HAS been going and growing for 5 years now. I'm trying to get this post done before she gets home, so here are the winners. Don't forget to email Mom your address so she can get your patterns mailed out....... Uh.... Hi Mom.... you're home early. I was just...........


  1. Molly is so cute and smart ;-)
    Congrats to winners!

  2. I'm so excited to be one of the winners!

  3. Congratulations to the winners! And Molly, what a cutie you are!

    Robin in Virginia

  4. Diane, I sent a private email with my address, but I wanted to publicly thank you for generosity and congratulate the other winners!

  5. Thank you, Molly! You are so cute, and so smart to be able to take of this for your Mom. I'll send her my address just as soon as I show your sweet photo to my golden doodle Woody.

  6. Aaawww, Molly is so cute! Congrats winners!

  7. Molly you are adorable and a very clever doggie :)

    Congratulations to the winners!

  8. Molly is the cutest banana loving Beagle Basset I have ever seen and I request that she get a big belly rub from me! I am so happy for your new job Diane and hope that it provides you with pleasure as well as employment for many years to come.

    you have my address - I'm claudia lenarz

  9. I am so proud of my Grand-Dog, Molly! Oh, and I am just a little proud of you too, Diane.

  10. My chart arrived! WooHoo!!!!! Thank you so much.

  11. Love your samplers!


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